This is going to be a long post since we have not had time to update our blog to this point. We do want to thank Bill for getting some pictures up for us while we were still at the hospital, I know a lot of people were waiting to see Hannah.

As soon as we got Hannah home we brought her into her new room to check things out. When we put her in the crib she sprawled right out and made herself comfortable.
Due to the Jaundice she has been fighting she needed to wear these special lights to break down the materials in her body that were causing the illness. The nice part of the light were that we did not need to worry about a night light, she literally "lit up the room". Hannah did not seem to mind wearing the lights and may have even enjoyed the warmth (she got that from her mother).

Hannah even got to enjoy her first bath this week, although she might use the term "enjoy". She wasn't to happy to be all wet but in the end she was a fresh clean baby. I think that she was really mad that we took away all the milk she was stashing under her chin.
Over the weekend Grandma Frame stayed with us and Auntie Amanda came too. That meant some play time for the cousins who are destined to be thick as thieves. Even though the picture shows different Hannah was quite thrilled but I don't think Alexis was happy to be sharing the spot light.
In a nut shell that was this little peanut's first week in her new world.
Check back soon for more updates.
P.S. Good Luck Grandma in Montana!