Since our blog is entitled The Reiersons, we thought we'd give you a taste of life as a Reierson..."what's the worst that could happen?!" 

Reiersons like to roast pig...whenever they can. If you've roasted pig, you've been officially inducted!
Lenny, Neil, Greg, Jerry, Paul, Scot, Josh, Rachel, and Kaylee help prepare the pig to celebrate both the conclusion of the "Reierson Biggest Loser" competition and Neil and Krystel's wedding shower.

The ladies chat over some drinks while they're waiting for the pig.
Reiersons also like to bust a move! Sorry, but we just couldn't grab the camera quick enough when Uncle David and Jay enacted the "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" dance. It was a moment that those that were witnesses will just seal into our mental photo albums. How nice.
Jayden, Ethan, Curt, Sabrina, Tim, Heather, Kaylee, Hannah and Mike get down at Neil and Krystel's wedding.

Neil and Krystel dance their first dance.
...and, what do REAL Reiersons do on rainy Sunday mornings after a partying-down Saturday night? Cuddle up on the couch and watch some football!!