It's been awhile since we've updated our blog, which I think is because of the sleepy nature of the winter season. There's not been much to report on: most nights we come home to enjoy some cozy family time. Of course, Hannah's been grow-grow-growing, and we've been teaching her new things everyday. In January, she started attending daycare two days a week. She loves playing with all of her new friends (especially Ahna, who is a month older than her and a kindred spirit in her "chill" attitude towards generally all things). She has also begun eating baby foods and trying out the sippy cup thing.
I have decided that it's high-time Hannah start pulling her weight around the house (or am desperate to entertain her with new things), and have given her the jobs of organizing the tupperware cupboard and pairing the socks.

She is a good little helper!
We've been working on encouraging her to think about rolling over or crawling, but she's not quite there yet. She is bouncing back and forth on her knees sometimes, but hasn't made the move yet! She loves watching her cousin Alexis running around the house, though! Everytime the two girls get together, Hannah learns so much from Lexi. They had a wonderful (actually, Alexis=ecstatic, Hannah=not so much!) time playing out in the snow in Alexis's new red sled.

Mom and Dad have had some opportunities recently to spend time with friends and family, and are looking forward to some planned adult-fun time in the near future. I am planning a girls' weekend in DC in Mid-March, and Mike has joined a softball league full of college friends for this summer. One night, while I was having dinner with some friends, Mike and Hannah had fun playing "dress-up" with a Wild hat:

Perhaps the biggest news in our life, though, is that Hannah has uttered her very first word (if you ask her father). One of the kids at daycare taught her to say "Dada". Enjoy! (turn up your sound)