Hannah had a very fun first Easter. There was an Easter party at daycare, and then the Easter Bunny left her a basketful of goodies at Grandma & Grandpa Reierson's house, Grandma & Bumpa Frame's house, and even Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Hoaglund's house! Hannah and I drove down to Berne (near Pine Island) to celebrate with my mom's side of the family on Sunday, while Mike decided to spend the day at his Grandma Reierson's house with his family. Hannah and Alexis loved being in the grass while finding Easter Eggs. (Actually, Hannah found the grass more interesting than the eggs!)

Hannah has finally grown enough hair for a very small mohawk. It's hard to see, but this was an excited picture taken of her very first mohawk after her bath!

And now, for your viewing pleasure, here is our best recording of Hannah cracking up! (Sorry that the video is sideways. Apparently it can't be flipped like a picture can.)
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